Working in partnership with technical experts and academics specialising in Plant Science education, IQ Verify are proud to announce the introduction of a brand new ISO17024:2012 aligned certification scheme in the fundamentals of cannabis and the cannabis industry.
Industry Growth and the Growing need for Formal Personnel Certification
In March 2022, the BDSA, the centre of knowledge and market research for the legal cannabis market, have estimated that global cannabis sales for 2022 will reach just over $35 billion, a jump of approximately 22% over 2021 sales of $29 billion. Furthermore, BDSA forecasts global cannabis sales will surpass $61 billion in 2026, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 16%.
Importantly, this industry growth is occurring worldwide.
Sales of legal cannabis products, including cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals, outside the U.S. and Canada were estimated at $1.4 billion in spending for 2021 and are forecast to grow to $2.2 billion in 2022. International sales are expected to reach $9.5 billion by 2026, a CAGR of approximately 46% from 2021. The bulk of that new spending will be driven by Germany and Mexico and to a lesser degree the UK and France.
With continued worldwide growth, an international solution is urgently required to address the growing educative gap left in the wake of rapid industry expansion.
ISO 17024:2012: The International Benchmark for Personnel Certification
International Certification and Coverage
ISO 17024:2012 provides the vehicle to address this need - please see here for more information about this international standard for personnel competency assessment.
IQ Verify have developed an assessment framework against this ISO standard to examine the fundamentals of plant science knowledge and education. Designed for industry professionals and those new to the sector alike, this certification is intended by way of introduction to the industry, addressing core knowledge across the following modules:
Candidates are encouraged to develop their understanding prior to assessment through research and eLearning, including but not limited to The Plantific CPD accredited training courses, as endorsed by IQ Verify.
Registrations for this unique plant science certification scheme will open July 2022.
The IQ Verify Certification in Plant Science: an international certification for for an international market.
+ The first ISO 17024:2012 aligned personnel certification to examine the fundamentals of Plant Science.
+ Developed by industry experts for anyone with an interest in the sector.
+ ISO/ IEC 17024:2012 is recognised in over 70 countries worldwide.
+ IQ Verify provide an assessment framework against this recognised standard to examine candidate knowledge of the cannabis industry.
+ Candidates are encouraged to develop their knowledge and understanding prior to examination via independent research and/ or recommended training resources such as those of the Plantific.
+ Assessment is conducted remotely via extended matching questions at a designated date/ time through the IQ Verify online examination portal.
+ Successful candidates are certificated for three years.
+ Certificate maintenance relies upon annual CPD and formal recertification at the conclusion of the three year certification period.
Knowledge has a shelf life, particularly in a rapidly evolving sector such as plant science. It is for this reason that the continual assessment requirements integral within an ISO standard provide the perfect vehicle to address this growing educative need.
Initial Certification:
Stage 1 - Remote Learning
Candidates develop their course relevant knowledge and understanding through private research and courses including but not limited to eLearning modules available through The Plantific.
Stage 2 - Assessment Registration
Candidates register with IQ Verify to schedule their ISO17024:2012 aligned Plant Science assessment.
Stage 3 - Assessment Completion
Candidates log in to the IQ Verify assessment portal at their allocated date and time to undertake their formal examination. Following the verification of ID by IQ Verify, registered candidates are permitted entry into the IQ Verify online examination room to await the provision of their ISO17024:2012 aligned examination paper.
Questions are of an extended matching format and papers are issued and submitted electronically. The duration of the examination is 45 minutes and all candidates must have access to a computer with live stream capability in order to undertake the examination.
Successful candidates will be issued with their IQ Verify ISO17024:2012 aligned plant science certification, valid for a period of three years.
Post Certification:
Annual CPD Requirement
To ensure currency of knowledge is maintained against changing industry standards, candidates are required to undertake a minimum of 25 hours of CPD in the field of plant science per year as part of their certification. requirements.
Three Year Recertification
Every three yeas, candidates are required to undergo full recertification, recommencing the process from stage 1 against updated assessment materials, thus ensuring the knowledge upon which initial certification was granted is maintained over time.
As a follow up to the foundation in Plant Science certification outlined above, IQ Verify are developing an advanced certification for healthcare professionals working within the cannabis industry. Focussing upon legislation, clinical indications, pharmacology and psychology, this follow up ISO 17024:2012 aligned certification aims to impart an advanced understanding of cannabis and its relevance - and controversy - within a healthcare setting.
Anticipated date of launch: Autumn 2023
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